Commonly known as Cyn, C. Hebert is a multi-genre author who loves to paint a pretty, yet horrific, picture woven together with absolute chaos. True graveyard reads.

While most authors like to write happily ever afters, C. Hebert prefers to take her stories in the opposite direction, delivering darker tales with a hint of madness, tugging at your heartstrings.

She is a self proclaimed manic writer who loves to constantly push herself to do more.

C. Hebert is a published poet and writes darker, more unique works under a secondary pen name, which is an International Best Seller. It is listed on her social media.

Ab. Cynthe is an International Best Selling author who decided to create this specific pen name to showcase her darker, spicier, more horrific works. She is known for her retellings and monsters and has close to a dozen published works in total, with many more set to release within the next year.

If you’re in search of a short read packed with triggering chaos, look no further.